My approach to Yoga

1. A yoga specifically dedicated to Women.

I found that women coming together in an environment where they know they will be supported and understood is a potent tool for healing and building self-confidence.
This is the intention of Moon Yoga: create a community, a safe space where women can retreat from their active lives and leave feeling more rested than after sleeping 8 hours straight.
2. A yoga practice that balances the Solar (yang) and Lunar (yin) energies.

We live such busy lives, it can lead to all kinds of physical, emotional and even spiritual imbalance.
It’s important to balance masculine, Yang Sun energies with the feminine, Yin influence of the Moon.
Too many intense activities, a lack of practice allowing the body to rest fully and calming the mind can lead to burnout, adrenals fatigue, amenorrhea, etc.
However, too much yin energy can lead to lethargy and stagnation, depression so it’s important to have the counterbalancing energy of action.
3. A yoga that is connected to the Moon phases and their astrological signs
We can divide the Moon phases into 4 main phases (as the Woman's cycle, coincidence?).
New Moon
First Quarter
Full Moon
Last Quarter
As women, it is wise to connect (at least be aware) of the current Moon phase, as it runs in the same pattern as, we women, do and many times, our cycles are connected to hers.
Also, setting goals at each new Moon is a really effective way to keep track of our life's objectives, using the energy of the Moon to charge our intentions.
New Moon: set new goals, act on them
First Quarter: commit, adjust
Full Moon: give thanks
Last Quarter: re-evaluate, release
Additionally, each month the New Moon happens in a new sign. There are 12 astrological signs, which gives us 12 life areas that we can independently review, depending on the sign the Moon is in:
I- Aries - Image, appearance, Self
II- Taurus - Possessions, values
III- Gemini - Communication, siblings
IV- Cancer - Home, family
V- Leo - Creativity, kids
VI- Virgo - Service, daily work, routines
VII- Libra - Love, relationships, partnerships
VIII- Scorpio - Sex, joint resources, debts
IX- Sagittarius - Travel, higher learning, religion
X- Capricorn - Career, ambition, status
XI- Aquarius - Community, friends, network
XII- Pisces - Spiritual realisation
In Moon Yoga, we will adapt our practice according to the properties of the sign the next major Moon phase is in, with adapted yin yoga poses.
We give a specific focus to the weeks where the Moon is either New or Full, by reviewing our life goals and pointing out habits that need to be shifted.

4. A yoga that evolves with the seasons of nature