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Guide to understanding the different types of Yoga

You might be surprised to learn that yoga is not only a physical practise in itself.

Yoga was defined by Patanjali as "yoga chitta vritti nirodha" - which means the practise of Yoga is quieting the fluctuations of the Mind.

In this article I will describe the different main 6 branches of yoga as well as the modern styles that are regularly offered in yoga studios.

The 6 main branches of Yoga are:

  • Raja (royal) Yoga: based on Meditation, Svadhyaya (self-reflection and study of texts) and Tapas (self-discipline), Brahmacharya (purity). This form of yoga was performed by members of royal families and person of higher education that had the time to practise.

  • Jnana (Wisdom) Yoga: based on Meditation and Svadhyaya (self-reflection and study of texts). Yoga of the mind, it requires a development of the intellect through the study of the texts of the yogic tradition.

  • Bhakti (Devotion) Yoga: based on Mantra (word or sound repeated), devotional rituals, meditation upon a chosen deity. Also called the Yoga of the Heart, it teaches us to see the Divine in all creations.

  • Karma (Action) Yoga: based on Mindfulness, selfless service, ahimsa (non-violence). Path of service, its principle is that what we experience today is created by our actions in the past. Being aware of this, all of our present efforts become a way to consciously create a future that frees us from being bound by negativity and selfishness.

  • Tantra (Consecrated) Yoga: based on Mantra (word or sound repeated), Yantra (mystical diagram ), Kriya (series of postures, breath, and sound), Pranayama (control of breath), Asana (postures), Meditation, Visualisation. This branch weaves together numerous other styles including Kundalini, Bhakti, Karma, Raja, etc. But Tantra yoga is also encompasses astrology, Ayurveda, chanting, gemmology among other techniques and mystical teachings.

  • Hatha (Physical) Yoga: based on Asana (postures), Pranayama (control of breath), Mudra (symbolic hand gesture), Meditation, Purification rituals, Bandha (body locks), Mantra (word or sound repeated), Kriya (series of postures, breath, and sound). It is the path of physical Yoga and the most popular branch of Yoga. It is used to bring the body and the soul in union and it aims to make the body perfect and fill it with life force.

Most of the modern yoga classes come from Hatha and Tantra yoga branches. Below are some diagrams explaining the main styles of yoga that modern yoga studios offer.

An amusing diagram helping you choose the best yoga styles, according to your needs.

If you are still not sure what yoga style is best for you, do not hesitate to send me a message :)


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