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Kinesiology - conversation with your unconscious mind

Updated: Mar 20, 2019

Your body is like a map of your unconscious mind, everything you've ever been exposed to is imprinted in your body.

This means that your unconscious mind also contains all the programming that you witness/were taught or integrated during your childhood and adolescence.

Now, know that your inner guide always wants you to realise your dreams and, live a happy and fulfilled life, despite of all the programming that tells you that you don't deserve it.

It is also always trying to communicate with you (to tell you just that!) and, it does so via the sensation in your body. To listen, we just need to be present and recognise the signs.

Easy to say, but how do we get back in touch with our bodies when living in such a stressful city as London, that rarely allows us quiet time by ourselves?

Kinesiology is a great tool to facilitate communication with your body. It uses a simple muscle test (gentle and quick) to recognise what stresses the body and how to alleviate it.

In PKP Kinesiology, we always start off the session with a specific goal to work on. This can range from 'manifesting a new job/relationship' to 'successfully run a work presentation', etc.

If you are not sure of what goal to use (or if you just have too many) and would like to check what would be the priority for you - we can do that together before the session.

What happens during the session?

We will first do a series of pre-tests in order to measure how much stress does the goal generate in the body and where does it tend to locate.

After that, we will measure your willingness to achieve the goal (bypassing unconscious programs and self-sabotage).

Once, we have the 'go-ahead', we can start working on integrating and releasing stressful events, memories, beliefs or even conditionings that are stored in the body and preventing you from achieving your goals.

When we feel stressed, the brain doesn't make distinctions between an event that would be happening right now, a past memory or a projection into the future.

Kinesiology allows us to access the memory of the trigger and re-program the mind to a new creative pathway so it does no longer generate a stressful reaction.

During the session, I muscle-test you to evaluate what the emotional root cause of the trigger is, and find the best techniques (out of 50 +) to relieve the stress stored in the body.

The tools I use can address a structural, emotional, nutritional, energetic or spiritual level, depending on the best technique to apply at that specific time and, according to what your body requires.

At the end of the session, we will do again the exercises we did before the session and check if the body is still holding stress on that particular goal.

If needed, we might discuss some 'homework' that you can do in the days following the session to integrate the benefits even further.

I usually recommend a total of 3 sessions to fully clear any block stepping in the way of you achieving your goal.

Benefits of the session?

-great shift in energy

-feeling lighter, more flow in the movements

-mental clarity

-clear actions-steps for manifesting your goal

-willingness and energy to achieve your goal

-decrease of physical pain (if there was any)

-decrease of mental, emotional, physical stress

-help with decisions making

-decrease fears and phobias

Also, helping women connecting back to their inner guide and body is a favourite topic of mine so you will leave the clinic feeling empowered and supported, with a new awareness that YOU have all the answers and, that what you seek is also seeking/looking to find you.


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