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Let's twist!

Included in almost all yoga classes, what are twists' benefits and how to gain the most from them?⁣

BENEFITS⁣ ⁣🔸Improve digestion, detox: by compressing your digestive organs, you momentarily stop the circulation in that area and, when releasing, you allow fresh blood to flood the previously compressed area.⁣ 🔸Spinal discs health: the same happens with the discs, the compression and then release will allow drainage of the old blood and a rush of fresh blood. ⁣ 🔸Prevent osteoporosis and compression of vertebras.⁣ 🔸Abdominal work: deep abdominal muscles are working with the breath.⁣ 🔸Chest opening: an opening of the rib cage and more space to fully breathe.⁣

HOW TO - SEATED Come into the pose in 4 steps:⁣ 1. Inhale, lengthen the spine, make sure the sitting bones are on the floor (you can use a pillow).⁣ 2. Exhale, start twisting from the lower back. Inhale where you are.⁣ 3. Exhale, twist your middle back. Inhale where you are.⁣ 4. Exhale, twist the upper back, and finally the head if it feels comfortable. ⁣ Open the chest, bring the shoulder blades together. Stay as long as it feels good. Repeat on the other side.⁣

PREGNANCY⁣ Twists are safe to practise during pregnancy as long as it feels good to do them. ⁣ They are not as beneficial during pregnancy because the deep internal work is not accessible at this stage. ⁣ Eventually, the belly will prevent you from doing twist poses anyway.⁣ But, they are extremely beneficial during the post-natal period to recover flexibility in the spine and replace the internal organs that have moved during pregnancy/childbirth!!⁣


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