Included in almost all yoga classes, what are twists' benefits and how to gain the most from them?

🔸Improve digestion, detox: by compressing your digestive organs, you momentarily stop the circulation in that area and, when releasing, you allow fresh blood to flood the previously compressed area.
🔸Spinal discs health: the same happens with the discs, the compression and then release will allow drainage of the old blood and a rush of fresh blood.
🔸Prevent osteoporosis and compression of vertebras.
🔸Abdominal work: deep abdominal muscles are working with the breath.
🔸Chest opening: an opening of the rib cage and more space to fully breathe.
Come into the pose in 4 steps:
1. Inhale, lengthen the spine, make sure the sitting bones are on the floor (you can use a pillow).
2. Exhale, start twisting from the lower back. Inhale where you are.
3. Exhale, twist your middle back. Inhale where you are.
4. Exhale, twist the upper back, and finally the head if it feels comfortable.
Open the chest, bring the shoulder blades together. Stay as long as it feels good. Repeat on the other side.
PREGNANCY Twists are safe to practise during pregnancy as long as it feels good to do them. They are not as beneficial during pregnancy because the deep internal work is not accessible at this stage. Eventually, the belly will prevent you from doing twist poses anyway. But, they are extremely beneficial during the post-natal period to recover flexibility in the spine and replace the internal organs that have moved during pregnancy/childbirth!!